Wednesday 25 May 2011

Installation Private View Monday 23rd May

The private view was well attended by parents, teachers, past pupils, Governors and Brothers. All were amazed by the transformation of the English corridor into a homage to the 100 years celebrations of the DLS Brothers being in St Helens. A calm but excited atmosphere came from the reflective nature of the installation and many memories were stirred, aswell as laughter from the unusual portraits of our school community. Thankyou to everyone who came to see the efforts of our Young people in remembering the important work that the Brothers have done and are still doing.

Monday 16 May 2011

Savio Star

At Savio house in Bollington the Pupils from yr8
got together with the wonderful Team at Savio,
to produce this Amazing star. The Whole Retreat
was a most enjoyable three days and the pupils
were a pleasure to be around. De La Salle would have been proud.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Any past pupils or teachers of a DLS School?

If you are somehow connected to De La Salle Schools then we would like to hear from you. What do you think it means to be Lasallian? Post your comments here.

We would like to photograph our school community past and present to be part of a whole school art installation to celebrate the work of the Brothers. Drop in to De La Salle School on Thursday 12th May between 9am and 1pm to have your photo taken by artist Emmer Winder. Your chance to be a part of our celebratory collective memory! :)

Tuesday 3 May 2011


Please feel free to upload any photos, memories, reflections, questions etc all relating to our Lasallian heritage. In particular, if you have any information on the Brothers presence in St Helens over the last 100 years we would be very grateful as this blog is dedicated to them.


Lasallian formation at Kintbury

Our stars!

A group met over the weekend at Kintbury to discuss and reflect upon Lasallian leadership, in particluar how we can empower young people to be the best they can be.

These sessions happen twice a year and are a fantastic opportunity to network, depeen your understanding of all things LaSalle and reflect in good company and surroundings!

Many Stars One La Salle

This initiative is a chance to collaborate with our Lasallian family on a global scale.

School communities and Lasallian groups are encouraged to take group photos sometime before 15th May, 2011. These group photos should ideally feature a star. The star symbolizes the star of the Institute …the star of Faith. These photos will be uploaded on a special section of the Institute’s website.

You can then track all of the stars by following this link:

This could be a really simple but effective teaching tool, either with form groups or classes in explaining the scale of our Lasallian family.